From the 1949 Diocesan jubilee book:
Founded December 21, 1896 with the Reverend John Hrabar as first pastor. An old schoolhouse was purchased in April 1897 and converted into a church. In 1923 this old building was remodeled and rededicated by the late Bishop Basil Takach in September 1924. In 1937 a group of about 500 souls seceded from the Church and organized the Holy Ghost Independent church. In September, 1944 a day school was opened for the children of the parish. St. Michael's was the mother church of SS. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic church in Phoenixville, Pa, and SS. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic church in Bridgeport, Pa, and also gave the Church two vocations to the priesthood in the persons of Reverends John Pavlik and Joseph Fecak.
Estimated value of property $150,000. Population 500 souls. Rev. Paul Shogan Pastor.